The liberty movement recently lost an enthusiastic supporter. In November of 2020, Richard (Dick) Rowland died at the age of 90. Dick dedicated himself to promoting individual liberty. At the age of 70, he founded the Grassroot Institute of Hawaii to educate people about the values of individual liberty, economic freedom, and accountable government.
There is much to be learned from Dick’s vast knowledge and passion for liberty. Here are 8 of Dick’s favorite sayings:
1. Hold onto your principles, because values change, but principles do not.
2. The Declaration of Independence is the origin of our liberty. It is both aspirational and inspirational.
3. There are only 2 paths that we can travel: upward to liberty or downward to tyranny.
4. As government gets bigger the individual gets smaller.
5. Politics is downstream from culture. If we can persuade 10% of the population to follow a path upward toward liberty, we can change the political trajectory of Hawaii.
6. We persuade our friends, neighbors, and colleagues by planting seeds of thought.
7. Assemble new supporters and build little platoons.
8. Provide a voice to the forgotten man.
The following short video provides an excellent tribute to Dick, his philosophies, and his message: