Our neighbors from Central and South America have provided us with a warning and a virtuoso economics lesson.
First, we received a warning from Nayib Bukele, President of El Salvador who was reelected to a second term on February 2, 2024:
Nayib Bukele speech at CPAC 02/23/2024
Highlights of this speech:
If you want globalism to die here too you must be willing to unapologetically fight against everything and everyone that stands for it, fight for your freedoms, fight for your rights.
The next president of the United States must not only win an election he must have the vision the will and the courage to do whatever it takes and above all he must be able to identify the underlying forces that will conspire against him. These dark Forces are already taking over your country you may not see it yet but it's already happening.
Javier Milei speech at CPAC 02/24/2024
Highlights of this speech:
Today I will focus on the technical underpinnings of those political views and along those lines I will focus on neoclassical economics and how its view of market failure is conducive to the advance of statism and how this destroys economic growth, putting a break on the improvements in well-being and the fight against poverty.
The thing about the neoclassical model is that when the model doesn't match reality, they get mad at reality calling it a market failure.
The first thing we need is to have a good definition of the market, what the market actually is. The free market is actually a social cooperation process where you voluntarily exchange property rights. Actually, since these exchanges are voluntary there can be no market failure because nobody would be self-inflicting harm. So, if we define the market properly all definitions that are interventionist in nature collapse. It is also very important to be clear as to what institutions are the foundations of the market. Two major institutions are private property and markets that are free from State intervention. If you're going to exchange property rights it means that private property is important and if the exchanges are voluntary there's no room for the intervention, encroachment, and Invasion by the state.
Actually, when someone engages in an exchange and gives something in exchange for money this creates a historical record or register which is price and that historical record we call price is an information transmission mechanism and also becomes a coordination mechanism as it makes some people be on the supply side and others on the demand side There’s also an adjustment process because demand and supply don't always perfectly match. When demand goes up prices go up and the other way around so private property and free markets determine the price system, and this is the basis of economic calculation.
This shows why none of the varieties of socialism can work. In the most extreme cases because there's no private property you can't engage in the exchanges that the market would require. In the milder varieties that do allow the existence of the private sector what happens is that state intervention creates noise in the price system and the more State the more government there is the more violence there is the more distortion there is and the worse the system functions.
The division of labor combined with the notion of social cooperation ends up being fully destructive as far as socialist ideas are concerned. I could actually hate him but I need him to buy my product so I must treat him nicely, so as Bastiat used to say when trade goes in soldiers don't and promoting free trade is promoting peace.
This idea of the market as a social cooperation mechanism is a tremendous bomb for socialism because if exchanges are voluntary, it means that it's win-win for both sides so there's no room for the theory of exploitation or for surplus value or for Marxism and socialism.
Regulating prices and quantities or amounts destroys property rights.
The other major threat or attack from socialists and statism has to do with efficiency as opposed to distribution and so they say that capitalism is high individualist as opposed to the altruism of socialism, (always with the money of others). This aberration is pursued in the name of social justice. Hayek used to talk about weasel words whenever they chose an adjective it was actually the exact opposite. So social justice is violence and unjust, it's not just or anything of the sort, far from it. It's an aberration. It's unjust because it involves unequal treatment before the law.
I come from a country that bought all of those stupid ideas and from being one of the most efficient countries in the world now we rank 140. Don't surrender your Liberty, fight for your freedom. If you don't fight for your freedom, they will drag you into misery.
I would also like to leave a message of optimism with you. Argentina seemed to be a country doomed to be like sheep driven by socialists. When I started my political career in Congress as a congressman, I said that I wasn't there to herd sheep, but rather to awaken lions.