This essay is brief but gets directly to the root of the problem. Using common sense and logic Ann describes the current state of the health care system. Also using common sense and logic she points out the inherent flaws in introducing more government intervention into the health care system.
Consider the following four paragraphs:
- The reason seeing a doctor is already more like going to the DMV, and less like going to the Apple "Genius Bar," is that the government decided health care was too important to be left to the free market.
- The whole idea of insurance is to insure against catastrophes: You buy insurance in case your house burns down -- not so you can force other people in your plan to pay for your maid. You buy car insurance in case you're in a major accident, not so everyone in the plan shares the cost of gas.
- Even two decades after the collapse of liberals' beloved Soviet Union, they can't grasp that it's easier and cheaper to obtain any service provided by capitalism than any service provided under socialism.
- Instead of making health care more like the DMV, how about we make it more like grocery stores? Give the poor and tough cases health stamps and let the rest of us buy health care -- and health insurance -- on the free market.
The two most highly regulated industries in our economy are finance and health care. We have been told that the problems of the financial sector must be cured by more regulation. Now we are being told that the health care system is broken and can only be cured by more regulation.
We must fight back against this every expanding government intervention. Do not hesitate to punctuate your arguments with the following quotation:
(click on the above quotation to view a video)
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