Thursday, August 5, 2010

Downsizing the Federal Government

The Federal Government is consuming a larger share of gross domestic product each year. Those who wish to study Federal spending may find it difficult to adequately research this subject. Thankfully the Cato Institute has codified the statistics and provided a website with a plan to downsize the Federal Government.

Cato describes the purpose of this website as follows:

The federal government is running massive budget deficits, spending too much, and heading toward a financial crisis. Without a change of direction in Washington, average working families will be faced with huge tax increases and a lower standard of living.

Some people have lofty visions about how government spending can help society. But the essays on this website put aside such “bedtime stories” about how government programs are supposed to work, and instead focuses on how they actually work in the real world.

Downsizing the Federal Government is a project of the Cato Institute. Scholars at Cato believe that cutting the federal budget would enlarge personal freedom, increase growth and prosperity, and leave a positive fiscal legacy to the next generation.

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