A week of scandals has encouraged members of the press to wring their hands in disgust. I find this rather amusing as most of the press corps is culpable in the current presidential administration’s crimes. The following link is to a Washington Post opinion article published on 5/16/13. The author is George F. Will:
Here are some highlights:
The scandals are interlocking and overlapping in ways that drain his authority. Everything he advocates requires Americans to lavish on government something that his administration, and big government generally, undermines: trust.
Liberalism’s agenda has been constant …..The agenda always is: Concentrate more power in Washington, more Washington power in the executive branch and more executive power in agencies run by experts. Then trust the experts to be disinterested and prudent with their myriad intrusions into, and minute regulations of, Americans’ lives. Obama’s presidency may yet be, on balance, a net plus for the public good if it shatters Americans’ trust in the regulatory state’s motives.
Because Obama’s entire agenda involves enlarging government’s role in allocating wealth and opportunity, the agenda now depends on persuading Americans to trust him, not their lying eyes. In the fourth month of his second term, it is already too late for that.
George Will is pretty good, but continues to use the term "liberal" as an opprobrium without any note of it's glorious root and beginnings. Sad, especially for someone as smart as him.