Sunday, October 27, 2024


Your wise overlords are looking out for you.  There is a possibility that you could be exposed to harmful ideas, and they are going to vaccinate you against this possibility.  EU President Ursula von der Leyen will keep you safe.

The following article by John Leake provides all of the exciting details (be sure to watch the video):

Ursula von der Leyen Pre-bunking

Aristotle once said, "All men by nature desire to know," He argued that this innate quality distinguishes humans from all other species. This idea became a cornerstone of Western philosophy, shaping various schools of thought and guiding intellectual pursuits for generations.  Fortunately for us in today's modern society we have Ursula and her enlightened deputies to do the learning for us.  We no longer need to wade through information to decide what is useful or correct.  Ursula will provide us with the correct and useful information in advance!

John Leake refers to John Milton’s 1644 essay, Areopagitica, that was presented to the English Parliament in opposition to licensing for printers.  In this essay Milton  argues that censorship is a barrier to truth, intellectual growth, and individual liberty, asserting that individuals must have the freedom to engage with all ideas, even controversial ones, to reach true understanding.

If there is a sequel to George Orwell's 1984, Pre-bunking must be included.