Monday, May 25, 2009

At that point, you don't have a choice

Parents of students in one Chicago Public School have made a startling discovery:,0,5726163.story

The parents live in a very upscale neighborhood and send their kids to the local elementary school, which does not have a current desegregation plan.  This means that their kids do not get bussed to a different neighborhood and the kids from other neighborhoods do not get bussed in.  Everyone has been happy until now when the school will be temporarily closed for remodeling.  Now the students will be bused to a school in a neighborhood with at very different social culture.

This quote from one parent is a classic:

"At that point, you don't have a choice."

No choice in education is the foundation of the public school system.  If parents had a choice they would send their kids to the best schools available. This would force the local school bureaucrats and teachers unions to compete.

Competition is never acceptable to government employees and labor unions.

For more on School Choice follow this link:

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